We're relying on the Lord to fill our faith account.
We experience the steady assurance of the Lord daily when we're living in the economy of the Lord. When we are obedient to His calling, willing to say "yes," and allow Him to care for the rest, we experience His faithfulness to fill our faith accounts and carryout His will in a way that expands our expectations and deepens our faith.
Our founder
Clark Shepherd was first exposed to the suffering and poverty of the world first hand in 2008 when he traveled to Honduras with a mission team. He witnessed children and families living in homes made of scrap metal and dirt floors. He spoke with children and families that shared their struggles to have food to eat and clothes to wear. But with their faith, love, and hope in Jesus, they were content and joyful for the blessings in their lives. The Spirit began to speak to Clark’s heart and compelled him to continue to take steps of faith in his life. He left his corporate job in the fall of 2008 and became the Disaster Relief Coordinator for a ministry. He continued to make mission trips and respond to disasters around the world. During this period, Clark raised his own salary through support and donations. He was trusting God to provide for him and his family and The Lord was faithful.
Clark began to talk with people that would go on mission trips or see a disaster on the news and felt called to action to do more. People he spoke with felt a strong desire in their hearts, one that’s rooted in listening to the Holy Spirit, searching for an outlet for their passion or idea to become a reality. This is why Allowing Christ To Shine was created. It is a vehicle or outlet that allows individuals to have a partner in making their spirit led passions become a reality.
We serve a Lord who never fails to be Faithful.
Clark and his wife, along with their family, are all in for what the Lord has in store through A.C.T.S. Their bold faith rooted in the Lord allow their family to continually pursue the Lord whole-heartedly as He does immeasurably more through their obedience in Haiti.
His Call to Action
Clark spent 2010 responding to the earthquake in Haiti. He saw many children who were not eating, had no shelter, and no access to education or church. He visited the same orphanage during each of his trips to Haiti. This orphanage was destroyed by the earthquake. Ten months later, the children were still living in a tent with little to no food or water. Clark asked God, "When is someone going to help these children? It has been 10 months, surely God you will send someone?" In response, Clark felt the Spirit say, "You are my hands and my feet, why aren't you helping these children?" He prayed and finally came to the decision to follow the calling of the Spirit. He created a non-for-profit organization to help those children, but also one that would allow others to go from passionate ideas to actions of faith when the Spirit of God compels them to advance the kingdom.